Suss Milano Logo White

Suss Milano’s concept is based on elegance, comfort and confidence in the female universe.

Through its meticulously designed and created garments, it aims to ensure quality and exclusivity so that all women feel powerful and in their own skin.

Power is a luxury and a timeless trend.

Nature first

Suss Milano is committed to the environment and to future generations, not only in the careful choice of fabrics, but also in social awareness.

Handmade in Italy

It is a brand created, designed and manufactured in the cradle of fashion, Italy.

Suss Milano came about on a visit to Italy, a country and culture that had always enchanted Susana, the glamour and elegance that she had never been used to and which, at first, made her uncomfortable.

She was at the Villa Borghese by the lake watching the swans glide majestically and thought how audacious it would be to create a clothing brand that could only wear her favourite garment: confidence.

Where women would walk down the street as these swans do: knowing that they are divine, without a doubt.

The Founder

Suss Milano was founded by a portuguese woman who had always worked in the world of plastics, an industry heavily represented by men. Susana often felt unable to own her business and questioned her role and skills even more.

She decided to break the pattern.
The rest of the story is still being written and we’d love you to be part of it.
A book and a map of revolutionary women, not just in fashion, but in life.
May our garments be your feathers for the greatest flights of your journey.